Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR therapy can be effective for many forms of psychological difficulties and in particular trauma or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Traumatic experiences can disrupt the brain's ability to process information. Unprocessed memories can remain in the brain’s memory network along with associated negative emotions, beliefs and physical sensations. If memories are unprocessed the emotions and sensations attached to them can be triggered by an individual's current experiences. Keeping what has happened in the past in the present.
EMDR works by stimulating the left and right sides of the brain (bilateral stimulation), eye movements, tapping or sounds are usually used to achieve this. It is believed that by stimulating the brain, EMDR unblocks the difficult memories and processes them in the same way that ordinary memories are processed. EMDR is credited with helping the brain to resolve the negative thoughts, feelings and sensations associated with the traumatic memories.
EMDR is now a recommended treatment for many aspects of psychological distress.
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